Saturday, June 17, 2006

Express Train

You'll never guess what happed to me last Saturday. I was shopping in a supermarket at Hurstville and my friend called me to his house for dinner, so I went to the train station and bought a ticket to Carlton station. I was talking to my friend on the phone when a train came, so, I got on the train very quickly.
The train passed Carlton station but it didn't stop, why? I asked someone else and he told me that it is the express train to city. I felt so stupid and I wanted to call my friend to say I would be late, but my mobile phone's battery was finished when my friend picked the phone up.
Two hours later, I arrived at my friend's house and told him what had happened to me. They laughed at me. It made a funny thing for us to talk about and we had a happy time the whole day.


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