Saturday, June 17, 2006


The platypus is a native animal to Australia; no other animals are similar to it in the world.

Platypus is an egg-laying aquatic mammal. The mother reduces milk to feed the young and it lays two eggs per ones. Always it breeds from August to October.

The platypus lives in forests and rainforests on the east coast of Australia. It digs a burrow in river banks and lakesides, just above the water level. It is solitary and probably territorial and always travels up to 2km to looking for food. Also it hibernates from may to September in cooler climates. It has a streamlined body without external ears, flattened paddle-like tail, and rubbey, sensitive, duck-shaped bill. Its webbed feet and the feet have long, sharp claws. Also its fur is dark brown on the back, pale cream to reddish below.

The platypus average length from head to tail is 48 centimetres. The male have a sharp poison spur on the ankles of their hind legs.


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